Subsidized Undergraduate Loan: First Disbursed 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2009: 6.00% . Direct PLUS Parent Loan: 7.90% Direct PLUS Graduate Student Loan: 7 .
PLUS Loans (Direct or FFEL) are loans parents can obtain to help pay the cost of . July 1, 2008: July 1, 2009: 6.0 percent: July 1, 2009: July 1, 2010: 5.6 percent: July 1, 2010
2008-2009 Parent PLUS Direct Loan Application Office of Student Financial Assistance 104 Fairchild Hall 785-532-6420 Manhattan, KS 66506-1104 FAX: 785-532-7628 finaid@k-state .
Find out how much is available for 2008/2009 through the Student Loan for Tuition Fees and Student Loan for Maintenance
February 2009 (2008-2009) direct loans 2008 2009 COD Technical Reference Page III-2-1 Volume III - Pell Grant, ACG, National SMART Grant,
direct loans 2008 2009
TEACH Grant & Direct Loan Combination System Supplement .
Canada Student Loans Program Annual Report 2008-2009 . Text version: Three-year cohort default rate for direct loans, 2004-2005 to 2008-2009
STUDENT LOANS OVERVIEW FFEL and Direct Loans T-13 NEW STUDENT LOAN VOLUME 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 2011 1 New Loan Volume ($M) FFEL $43,244 $46,669 $51,848 $57,880 $66,779 $35,233 0 .
SUMMER 2009 DIRECT PLUS LOAN FACT SHEET FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS The Graduate Federal Direct PLUS is a federal credit-based loan, which is available to assist students with the .
Make sure that you return the Sub/Unsub Loan Fee Percentage value in COD School setup (Direct Loan) to the 2008-2009 default of 2.000 before you originate any subsidized or .
Funding In 2009, Congress provided for a Disaster Assistance Direct Loan Program Account for the cost of direct loans .
No other 2008 loan recipients determined to be potentially .
Three-year default rate for direct loans, 2003-2004 to 2008-2009. Caption: This graph shows Canada Student Loan Default Rates by Institution
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