Album. Old School Hip Hop [EMI] Rating. Release Date. Nov 14, 2000. Label. EMI Music Distribution. Type. Various Artists
Also compared with later hip hop, old school had a large number of female artists, even though none reached quite the level of fame
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of their male counterparts and few .
Old School Hip Hop Booking Agents Book Old School Hip Hop, Rap, R&B , Pop Artists(s) Booking Agency Online - Book top R&B artist(s), Hip-Hop musicians and soul artist(s) for .
Artist: Various Artists, Title: Old School Hip Hop Jams (CD), Record Label: SPG, Category: Music, UPC: 773848922925 , Price: $18.97, Release_date: 2009-11-17, Genre: Rap & Hip .
List of 100 Greatest Rap/Hip-Hop Artists ranked based on Influence, Impact, Originality . Greatest Old School Hip Hop Records Rap/Hip-Hop Lyrical Performances Underrated Rap/Hip-Hop .
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In Deutschland fallen weitaus weniger Gruppen unter den Begriff old school, da die Anf�nge des Hip-Hop in den 1980er Jahren in Europa weder Mainstream war, noch von einer .
Old School Hip Hop [Thump] album by Various Artists on Yahoo! Music. Listen to
free streaming mp3s of songs from the old school hip hop artists Old School Hip Hop [Thump] album by Various Artists
Greatest Old School Hip Hop Records (1979-1985) . The first strands of Hip Hop soul also arise out of artists such as Planet Patrol and C-Bank ("One .
Read up on some of Hip Hop
Biographies of Old School Hip Hop Groups . Grabbin
I love old school rap/hip-hop and I was just looking for some good lyrics and artists (mainly lyrics) that aren't about girls, money, etc. Thanks! =]
Artist: Various Artists, Title: Old School Hip Hop 2 (CD), Record Label:
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