The ultimate guide of dating advice for men, featuring the best advice for single men, quick dating tips for your first date and beyond
How to Guide on Where to Meet Single, Middle Aged Men. For any single or divorced lady who has passed that age fifty mark you know how hard it is to meet single men within that .
Learning the nature of the beast. . There are no awesome women left in this world. Much like the condor, the dinosaur, and Britney Spears' dignity, they have been driven .
The Rules: A Guide For Men - Part I You know, maybe you guys will think this arrogant, but I gotta tell ya, now and again I talk to a gal here, and it seems there needs to be a .
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For all you guys out there who just can't figure it out, here it is: In the world of romance, one single rule applies: Make the woman happy. Do
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Pheasants are afoot. Ducks are in their migratory swing south. Deer hunting season opens soon. For many men that means hunting with family or friends.
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